College is the sign that education is number one in the world, as a human priority. This education department remains part of the University of the State of New York, which is commonly known as USNY. In another popular word, this is a good education system with the most complete study and best service located in the United States. Do you want to join and study in these state departments of education?

Offices of Higher Education
The NYS education department offers various kinds of offices. One of them is the office of higher education. The capability of leadership will be taken as the main important thing in this educational system. The students will be taught to have high quality in which they can have rich knowledge and good skills. This is done for the preparation of the students when they are about to compete with other people around the world and also make them creative and innovative in managing the economic system as well as humble to gather in the society activity.
Besides, this office higher education will also cooperate with several partnerships for the most effective in developing the educational activity both in the resources and in the practice so that the students can achieve the best goal they want. As a good educational place, NYS education department teachers are also very competent in teaching all students in the classroom.

Offices of Cultural Education
Simply known as OCE, these offices of cultural education work well with several institutions whose fields are in culture such as New York State Museum, State Library and State Archives, and Educational Office of Television and Public Broadcasting. All of them are very great in providing you information, knowledge and other collections you want to know in their services. This prepares a great future generation of NYS education department.
The facilities of NYS education department available from the public programs are such as assistance of technical system, chartering for administration, coordination program and other programs offered in 73 systems for the museums, 7000 public and academic libraries, aquaria, zoos, centers of science, botanical gardens and historical societies and a lot of similar organizations. Besides, there are also 26 public radio and television stations, the historical records of 3000 in repositories as well as the local government in the amount of 4500.
Another facility you can enjoy in this cultural educational place of the NYS education department is the Summer School of Art. Here, there are a lot of fields you can take such as school of art, school of ballet, school of dance, school of orchestral music, school of theater, school of choral studies, school of visul art and so on. This is directed and guided by professional staff whose quality and knowledge are in the international standard, like companies of New York City Ballet and Philadelphia Orchestra. The students, in their studying, will be gathered in a small group for effective study then will be taken by the professional in one session, also with the other students. The atmosphere of discipline and supportive environment enables the student to gain their passion and develop the skills in order to be a professional artist after graduating from this cultural office.